How it all started...
In 1904, with the help of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, First Baptist Church was planted in the heart of Pikeville with 12 charter members and a missionary pastor with a heart for reaching Pikeville and Eastern Kentucky for Christ.

Expanding the vision...
Today, FBC continues to live out that mission by standing as a strong gospel witness in our region. Through discipleship, fellowship, and evangelism, FBC stands on a strong foundation to continue her ministry for many years to come.
Where we are headed...
FBC has seen hundreds, and likely thousands of conversions in her rich history. We pray for many more. To accomplish this, we are committed to making discipleship and evangelism our top priority. Through church planting and partnerships we hope to expand God's kingdom in Pike County and around the world.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 11 am.